携程宣布向海外10国捐赠100万个口罩 – Ctrip announced to donate 1 million masks to 10 overseas countries_VPS主机评测

2021年4月27日20:10:35 发表评论 371

携程宣布向海外10国捐赠100万个口罩 – Ctrip announced to donate 1 million masks to 10 overseas countries_VPS主机评测云服务器怎么样?云服务器值不值得购买?云服务器好不好?

携程宣布向海外10国捐赠100万个口罩 – Ctrip announced to donate 1 million masks to 10 overseas countries_VPS主机评测

  新浪科技讯 3月18日晚间消息,携程集团今日宣布,近日采购医用标准口罩100万枚,捐赠给日本、韩国、意大利、德国、法国、西班牙、英国、美国、加拿大等10国,为当地“抗疫”增添助力。




Sina science and technology news on the evening of March 18, Ctrip group announced today that it has recently purchased 1 million medical standard masks and donated them to 10 countries, including Japan, South Korea, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, to boost local “anti epidemic” efforts.

In March, the number of confirmed cases outside China rapidly exceeded that in China and the global epidemic spread. At the same time, the number of countries with “mask shortage” began to increase.

On March 13, with the approval of the State Council, 23 departments including the national development and Reform Commission, the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of culture and tourism jointly issued 19 hard measures to promote consumption expansion. It includes “improving inbound tourism environment and innovating cultural tourism promotion mode”.

Ctrip said that when China recovers, how to release goodwill to the world and overcome the world health crisis? These 1 million masks are willing to be a window to convey China’s goodwill. Ctrip hopes to release the friendly information, attract foreign tourists to set foot again after the epidemic, make every effort to promote economic growth, and thoroughly eliminate the shadow of the epidemic. (Zhang Jun)

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携程宣布向海外10国捐赠100万个口罩 – Ctrip announced to donate 1 million masks to 10 overseas countries_VPS主机评测


